Whenever you think about some kind of a legendary creative or artistic figure, you would most likely be thinking about them at their peak at this current point in time. As a result of the fact that this is the case, we often start to forget that these legends were not always as famous as they currently are, but much on the contrary they are the sort of people that sometimes had beginnings that are so humble that we would be shocked to hear about them without a shadow of a doubt.
If you have ever gone to dance shows and enjoyed whatever it was that you saw, suffice it to say that you owe a great debt to Alvin Ailey since he helped modernized dancing as an art form and turned it into a performance art that everyone tends to love these days. Despite his glorious fame and riches, he was born in the small town of Rogers, Texas, and the truly surprising thing is that this tiny little town has under 1,400 inhabitants these days and there is a fairly strong likelihood that it had half that amount when Ailey was born!
Despite his humble beginnings Ailey was able to make something of himself and nowadays you would be hard pressed to find a dancer that does now know about him and the amazing things that he did over his lifetime. His story proves that you can be anything you want to be regardless of the circumstances of your birth, and that is one of the most wonderful things about the modern world which we should all start appreciating because it hadn’t always been this way prior to that point.